Translated from Latin, Memento Mori means "remember you must die." It serves as a reflection on mortality. Many ancient belief systems encouraged their followers not to ignore their death but rather to meditate upon it. Throughout generations, we as a society have lost touch with this practice, and instead, we go to great lengths to ignore death. 

But what if, instead of being scared and unwilling to embrace death, we welcomed it?  

Acknowledging our death can be a tool that creates priority and meaning in our lives. It can help us find a new perspective in life where we treat our time as a gift and learn to live with intention. Memento Mori reminds us that death doesn't make life pointless, but in fact, death makes life purposeful. Practicing Memento Mori allows us to ask the question, "if I must die, then how should I live?"

I invite you to join me in the practice of Memento Mori and to start living your life with intention and purpose.